5 Reasons WHY You Should Be Using Pull-Ups® + My Secret Method

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pull-Ups®.

5 Reasons WHY You Should Be Using Pull-Ups® & My Secret Method Plus a FREE Printable Potty-Training Chart #ad

5 Reasons WHY You Should Be Using Pull-Ups® + My Secret Method

As a first time parent, I didn’t know the difference between good diapers, poor quality diapers or what a pull-up was.  My only two criteria were, was it cheap and was it on sale? After all, I love a good deal! While I gloated at the good deal I scored on a pack of pull-ups, I soon discovered that cheap and on sale were poor indicators of what a good deal was. So, it wasn’t long before I learned that I was doing it ALL wrong.  Hey, don’t blame me I was new at this whole “parenting,” thing.

Eventually, I learned. But I wish from the start I wish I had someone to make things like telling me which pull-up to buy easier. Oh the headaches I could have avoided. Poor me, I had to learn a lot of things the hard way, through trial and error. And to make matters much more challenging my pregnancy was with twins. And as “interesting” as carrying twins sounds, the poop (literally) hit the fan after my twin boys arrived. Double everything! Including double diaper duty! What a lucky mom I was. Not!

Long story short. The cheap pull-ups didn’t do the job. Never. They leaked and they oozed. So not cool. Then on top of all that, I was trying to potty-train TWO boys at the same time. And the rumor about boys taking FOREVER to potty-train is absolutely TRUE.

So, let’s add this all up. Cheap pull-ups + twins + boys= one stressed out Momma. And the icing on the proverbial cake: this was about the same time I got the diagnosis indicating that my precious and handsome boys were on the Autism Spectrum.

Guess what? Potty training went out the window. The boys were about three years of age when I found out that they were on the Spectrum. It was a shocker (understatement of the decade). Shortly thereafter my boys were enrolled into a Special Education Pre-School classroom. The wonderful and patient teaching staff started working with our twins about the process of going to the potty, among many other things. Insert Eureka moment. That’s when I found out that I was using the wrong brand of pull-ups. One of the Teacher Assistant’s was a Mom and she pulled me aside one day to chat about the different brands of pull-ups. She recommended that I try out Pull-Ups®. She even gave me a coupon.

Let’s just say my life changed a lot that day. Once I started buying Pull-Ups®, I noticed they fit the boys perfectly. With other brands the boys were constantly pulling at them, specifically at the leg-hole area. But with Pull-Ups® we didn’t experience any of that. Pull-Ups® brand knows there are a number of different methods parents use for potty training, but when you use Pull-Ups® Training Pants at the start of the process, it gives toddlers the mobility to get the Pull-Ups® up and down easily and because of there ease of use it fosters independence in a way diapers can’t  provide– right from the start of potty training they learn, “I can do this!”

I liked that with Pull-Ups® the boys seemed to sense some independence because they didn’t need mommy or daddy to help them. It took the boys almost two years to be completely potty-trained (mostly due to their slower development), but I feel that having the right brand Pull-Ups® really helped their journey.

In a world where there are so many choices to choose from it can sometimes be a challenge to select the right Pull-Up for your toddler(s).  This is especially true for new parents who lack a knowledgeable frame of reference. So, let me take the guesswork out of the equation for you. Pull-Ups® got it right. It makes me wonder how parents’ years ago put up with anything else.

Pull Ups Logo

 Get Pull-Ups® and you won’t regret it. Here’s 5 reasons why:

  1. Independence- Pull-Ups® has stretchy sides that help teach toddlers how to to take them on and off all by themselves.
  2. Comfort- With Pull-Ups® the boys had a little “leg room” to move around. The Pull-Ups® didn’t feel tight like some other brands. Pull-Ups® also carries a variety called Cool Alert®. These training pants feel cool within seconds of becoming wet to help your child learn to stay dry.
  3. 24/7-  The Pull-Ups® brand offers protection day and night, including training pants specifically for the nighttime. I actually didn’t buy this variety when potty-training the boys, because the regular Pull-Ups® seemed to work just fine. But if you want that extra protection, going with the nighttime pants would be the solution.
  4. Support & Resources- I love that the Pull-Ups® brand offers you so many different resources to help YOU, the parent make it through the potty-training era. They have the Pull-Ups® Time to Potty App – a tool that motivates, educates and rewards potty training behavior, helping moms and toddlers develop consistent routines.
  5. Price– Pull-Ups® are quite affordable. Especially when you look for a sale and stick this coupon offer on top of it! You can save $2 off one pack of Pull-Ups® OR share the coupon offer on your social media page and get a $3 off one pack of Pull-Ups®! I know since many of you guys like looking for a good deal, this would just sweeten the deal of picking Pull-Ups®! {Go HERE for coupon offer}

My Secret Potty-Training Method {tested out on 3 boys} 2

Now, I hope you didn’t read this post thinking that I was going to give you the BEST way to potty-train YOUR child.

Let me let you in on a little secret….. there is NO best way to potty-train your child. What works for child A, may not work for child B. All three of my boys potty-trained at different times with different methods. The BEST piece of advice that I can give to you from one Parent to another is, YOU relax about it. Potty-training a child can be a stressful job. And sometimes as Parents, we make the job harder because WE stress about getting the child there when the child is not ready. The twins took over two years to potty-train. My last child (at the age of  3) was potty-trained in less than a month. HUGE difference.  I started the process when HE was ready to go.

Did you hear that? I waited to potty-train him when HE was ready to go. For my last child, I did the “run-around-naked” method during the day. At night he would wear Pull-Ups®.

For the twins, I tried every method in the book: aiming at the cheerios, bribes, treats, new toys, new underwear, pull-ups with cool characters on them, etc etc. None of that worked. The only thing that DID work was ME relaxing about the process. I stayed consistent with it. They were in pull-ups for almost two years before we  officially went to underwear.

So three things to take away from this post:

  1. One, don’t stress about the potty-training process. The child will go when he or she is ready!
  2. Two, you can help the process by buying the right brand, so go with Pull-Ups®. Grab your coupon HERE, up to $3 off when you share it!
  3. Three, Stay consistent with potty-training. I have a super cool FREE potty-training printable that you can download to help YOU, help your child with this process! {Download your free potty-training chart HERE}

Good luck and happy potty-training!

{Share the coupon on your twitter page below}


This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pull-Ups®. All opinions are 100% my own.

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  1. February 12, 2015

    Yep, the pull ups are great! We bought them for my little sister as well and they fit her comfortably and easily. Potty training was easy after that.

  2. February 12, 2015

    The Cheaper Brands don’t usually work. It’s always great to invest in Brands like Pull-Ups

  3. Robin (Masshole Mommy)
    February 12, 2015

    I always used Pullups when my boys were training. They worked awesome.

  4. Pam
    February 12, 2015

    I used Pull-Ups for both my kids. They made potty training so much easier!

  5. February 12, 2015

    Pull up swere what I used and son had no issues with them. He potty trained real easy using them.

  6. February 12, 2015

    I remember that Pullups were the only pull up that all three of my girls could wear because they had sensitive bottoms.

  7. February 12, 2015

    Pull-Ups were definitely a lifesaver when my kids were little!

  8. February 12, 2015

    Pull-ups are great. Great coupon deal/

  9. February 12, 2015

    We used Pull-Ups with both of ours boys. They are awesome! Loved them!

  10. February 12, 2015

    I potty trained 3 kids, each child was so different. We also used pull-ups with great success.

  11. February 12, 2015

    I used Pull-Ups to train all three of my children. They were helpful especially when first starting out and when we were on the go.

    • Pam
      February 13, 2015

      Yes, they are definitely helpful. Especially on the go, they were a lifesaver.

  12. February 12, 2015

    Thank you for the reminder, I need to pick some Pull Ups up for my son. He still wets the bed at night time but completely potty trained during the day. Pull Ups is definitely helpful!

  13. February 12, 2015

    We used pull-ups for our kids during the transition period. They really helped us out a lot.

  14. February 12, 2015

    I am so glad to be out of the potty training phase forever lol..but we are big fans of pull ups in the evenings around here for newly potty trained kids to have during the night.

  15. February 12, 2015

    I used Pull-Ups with my children, too. Now my nieces are having babies and the use pull-ups. As long as you remember they are a tool for training they’re an excellent resource.

  16. February 12, 2015

    Yea, I learned early on that the cheap stuff wasn’t working at all. It’s just best to pay up front for quality.

  17. We’ll be headed into the potty training world with my second child soon. With my first, we used cloth diapers and it was a really easy transition. This time around, we’ll be looking for Pull Ups!

  18. We use Pull-Ups around here when our little guy is in the mood to potty train. Of course being the last of 6 kids; he is taking his sweet time and making sure it’s well known… he will go when he’s ready and he’s not ready!

  19. Pullups on a sleeping potty trainer were our best friend. We still use them overnights incase he can’t hold it for as long as he sleeps 🙂

  20. February 13, 2015

    Great tips! All 5 of my kids have used pull ups so far, number 6 will to0!

  21. Catherine S
    February 13, 2015

    We used Pull-Ups with our son. I was an easy transition for him to go from Pull-Ups to Underoos.

  22. February 14, 2015

    It’s been a long time since I have had a child small enough for Pull Ups. I am almost old enough to be a grandmother, though, so I better start learning about it all again. 🙂

  23. February 14, 2015

    I think Pull Ups really do make kids feel like big kids. They are a nice transition from diapers to underwear.

  24. February 14, 2015

    I used pull ups for a bit for my kiddos. I am not sure if I will again with my last 2 littles but they do seem to work!

  25. February 14, 2015

    I am thankful that I don’t have to worry about potty training anymore. my kids are 17 and 13. Lol

  26. Lisa Bristol
    February 14, 2015

    Pull ups are a great help with potty training your kids. I have a friend that is potty training her daughter right now.

  27. February 14, 2015

    I don’t even want to think about how long it took to potty train my son. I couldn’t imagine going through it with 2 boys!!!

  28. February 14, 2015

    We always always always used Pull-Ups. I’m so glad my girls are officially potty trained!

  29. February 14, 2015

    The Pull Ups were so great when we went through potty training. My girls always loved the fun characters on them and never wanted to go potty on them, so it made training much easier!

  30. By the time A.J. was 2 I realized that Huggies were the best performing brand for the price!

  31. February 14, 2015

    I learned a lot by trial and error too. Thankfully my son and his wife have me and her mom to tell them little things here and there that we know will be helpful. 🙂 We like pull-ups!

    • February 14, 2015

      It’s always nice when you can learn from a Veteran!

  32. February 14, 2015

    Oh wow what an awesome app! I wish this would have been around when my kids were younger!

  33. Carly
    February 14, 2015

    Bookmarking this! My 14 month old will be ready to potty train before I know it!

  34. I do not have children but will pass along to someone that is expecting.

  35. February 15, 2015

    I love Pullups. All it took was one mishap with one of my kids thinking that a pair of underpants was a diaper. ONE TIME. I went out and got Pullups on the spot!

  36. February 16, 2015

    My nephew used Pull-ups when he was potty training too. They can make things a lot easier.

  37. February 17, 2015

    I dont have kids yet…but I know Pull-Up is a great brand for potty training. I am sure I used Pull-Ups too and that was over 20 years ago so glad this brand is still around.

  38. February 17, 2015

    We used pull ups and recommended them to everyone we knew. They’re convenient for parents and exciting for toddlers.

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