52 Money Save Ways: Week 22: Learn To Rebate

52 Money Save Ways: Week 22: Learn To Rebate

52 Money Save Ways: Week 22: Learn To Rebate

Welcome to another great week filled with money save ways tips on how to make your financial future brighter with one step at a time! If you are following along with the 52 Week Money Challenge, you should deposit $22 into your savings and if you are doing it in reverse, deposit $32.


52 Money Save Ways: Week 22: Learn To Rebate


Many people have no problem doing things like coupons and watching sales when it comes to saving money, but rebates can be a very wonderful way to save money as long as you don’t need the money right away. There are generally two types of rebates: Instant, which are the kind you get at the register when you pay for the item, and mail in, ones that you must attach a receipt to and mail in within a certain amount of time to get a check in the mail for.

If you aren’t really watching, many times instant rebates will happen without you even knowing as many advertisers advertize the after-rebate price up front with a small blurb about the rebate under the price.  While these kind are often helpful, they are not the only way to pay less for something.

If you have time to wait (usually it only takes about 4-6 weeks to get back your rebate, but can take up to 12 in some cases), using mail-in rebates can really be a great way to save money on items you are going to purchase anyway, or have money to put away as extra funds into a savings of some sort you have.  You can just use whatever you get as a rebate for “extra” money to throw into your 52 week challenge money jar as a bonus!

The way mail in rebates work is you will find items with a mail in rebate available. Often, you get the form from the retailer, or in the package of the item you bought,  but sometimes, you will need to print it out from the company’s website. You fill all of the information out (make sure to do it completely or it may take longer to process or it will be rejected altogether), include any additional proof of purchase it requires, (which is often UPCs and a receipt) and mail it off. Make sure to pay attention to deadlines as Mail-In rebates are often available for a very short period of time, often just weeks.

It is also a good idea to track them on a calendar and write down a number or email address for whom to contact if you don’t get yours back in time.


Do you do mail-in rebates? Do you find them to be a great way to save money? What do you do with the money you get back? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

For previous weeks, check out the following links and be sure to check out the 52 Week Money Challenge tracker!

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