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   Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter!    Meijer: $5 Bucks For Signing up w/ mPerks Are you a Meijer Shopper, but haven’t used mPerks! You …

   Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter!   Meijer: % OFF Weekend Sale= Make Your Own Sale 6/5-6/6 Going to Cedar Point soon? Be sure to …

Meijer: Cat’s Pride Cat Litter- $6.55 This Week ** Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter!  And be sure to join our Meijer Facebook Group! We …

meijer deals

Meijer Deal: Score a Trampoline This Weekend- $168 If you’re thinking about getting a Trampoline this summer, check out this deal you can score at Meijer this weekend! The 12Ft Trampoline is on sale for $187.49 PLUS this weekend we have the 10% off General Merchandise mPerk coupon to clip to your account. This will …