Meijer Supermarket

NEW McCormick Coupons & Possible MORE Free McCormick Seasonings
NEW McCormick Coupons & Possible MORE Free McCormick Seasonings Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter! We have TWO new awesome McCormick coupons to print: $0.50 …

Meijer: FREE Pillsbury Products This Week
Meijer: FREE Pillsbury Products This Week Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter! The 10 for 10 sale is going on this week at Meijer! Woohoo!! …
Meijer mPerk offer: FREE Reach Floss
Meijer mPerk offer: FREE Reach Floss Reach Floss 55 yards is regular price $1.00. And we have a $1/1 mPerk coupon that will make it FREE! This mPerk offer is valid till 10/31/2015 ———————————— Find more GREAT Meijer Deals for this week. Be sure to join us in our Meijer Facebook Group!
Meijer: Halloween Liquid Handsoap FREE w/ mPerk offers
Meijer: Halloween Liquid Handsoap FREE w/ mPerk offers We have a nice high value mPerk coupon to clip: $1/1 Meijer Halloween Liquid Handsoap mPerk coupon (valid till 10/10) And you can score a bottle of Meijer Halloween Handsoap for .29 cents (price $1.29) after this mPerk coupon! This is also a 25% off Meijer …
Meijer: FREE Maybelline Products This Week
Meijer: FREE Maybelline Products This Week Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter! We have a VERY high value coupon to print for Maybelline right now- …
Meijer: FREE MCCormick Seasonings This Week
Meijer: FREE MCCormick Seasonings This Week ****UPDATE: if you haven’t already clipped this mPerk, then it is NO LONGER AVAILABLE to clip!! If you did clip it, you may want to check your account to see if it’s still there *** This week at Meijer, McCormick Seasonings are on sale for .50 cents …
Meijer: Muller Yogurt – .46 cents This Week
Meijer: Muller Yogurt – .46 cents This Week We have a pretty sweet deal on Muller Yogurt this week (starting tomorrow, Sunday) at Meijer. (sale starts 10/4-10/10) Muller Yogurt is part of the 10 for 10, get the 11th free sale. And we have this awesome coupon- $2.00/6 Muller Yogurt – 8-30-15 RP; DND (exp …
Meijer Deal: Olay DOUBLE Stack Promotion This Week
Meijer Deal: Olay DOUBLE Stack Promotion This Week Do you LOVE the deals we post? Help us continue to grow by sharing the deals with those you know that are Meijer Shoppers! Also take a moment to sign up for the Meijer ONLY Newsletter! Get $3 off instantly when you buy $15 or more …
Meijer: MONEYMAKER on Nestle Pure Life Water #stockup
Meijer: MONEYMAKER on Nestle Pure Life Water #stockup ******THIS DEAL STARTS ON SUNDAY 10/4 AT 6 AM********** Again, be sure to check the 10 for 10 list, it is the FULL list of everything included in this sale (and I’m updating it constantly as we find more deals, coupons, etc) But this is a HOT …
Meijer: Vitamin Savings Deal
Meijer: Vitamin Savings Deal The Meijer Brand Health & Beauty Care Purchase mPerk offers are back! few things to keep in mind: You can only use this mperk ONE time per transaction. (you can do multiple transactions, but only one offer will work for each transaction). So you can’t buy $40 worth of Vitamins and …