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Ways To Save & Frugal Tips

Learn how to save on travel, ways to save money, great money-saving DIY ideas and more! Here’s all the information you need to know on how to save money, the 52 week money challenge and great money saving tips!

6 Easy Ways to Save Money In Your Home Saving money is often thought of as an act we do when out and about. It’s something we think of when we are at a store, out to dinner or on vacation. However, some of the best ways you can save money start right at home …

Saving money is often thought of as an act we do when out and about. It’s something we think of when we are at a store, out to dinner or on vacation. However, some of the best ways you can save money start right at home and they won’t interrupt your day-to-day life. Here are …

50 Things For Kids To Do This Summer That's FREE or Frugal

50 Kid & Family Friendly Activities To Do This Summer! If you’re looking for new ideas for your kids to do this summer then check this list of 50 Kid & Family Friendly Activities To Do This Summer! It’s summer and there are many, many things that we can do to keep our little ones …

  The Best Way To Save Money on Your Cleaning Routine It’s amazing how much money and time we invest in having a clean and organized home. There are so many products out on the market and you can easily spend so much money on them because they sound so convincing. At one point, I …

 15 Scrumptious Grill Recipes One of the best times of the year for foodies is grilling season. I love firing it up for the summer season and thinking of all the great and mouth-watering recipes I have made on it as well as the great memories I had around the grill chatting with friends, neighbors …

Patriotic Snow Cones {easy & fun recipe} Get into the Patriotic mood with this fun and cool recipe for Patriotic Snow Cones! This is the perfect way to cool down on a hot summer day. Summer is one of my favorite times of the year. Living in Michigan we have to take full advantage of …

free summer activities, sumemr boredom, summer

Beat Boredom on a Budget: 5 Summer Activities You Can Enjoy for Free YAY– it’s time to start thinking about SUMMER! We had a brutal winter here in Mid-Michigan, so I am ready for some fun in the Sun! While some equate the sounds of the ice cream truck with summer, some equate the sounds …

money save ways, ways to save money, money save way,

6 Ways on How To Save Money on Your Bills Everyone wants to pay less for their bills. It’s our least favorite way to spend money and we wish we could free up more money for things like fun, entertainment and even savings or for following along with the 52 Week Money Challenge printable. The …

15 Gardening Tips & Tricks 15 Gardening Tips & Tricks I don’t know about you, but I could use a lot of help when it comes to gardening. I have what you might say is, a black thumb. I tend to not do too well with many plants and I really don’t know much about …

Looking for ways to make money online? Here are 7 easy ways you can make money without leaving your house. 7 Ways to Make Money Online No matter what your reason, making money online is one way people think of to add extra income to their budget. There are many benefits to making money online. …

10 Cheap & Healthy Foods To Buy on a Tight Budget When eating on a budget, it can almost seem impossible to eat healthy. The lure of boxed and frozen meals and their cheap prices make it seem like they are the better buy. The truth is, there are many nutritious foods out there that …