Ways To Save & Frugal Tips

10 Uses For Mason Jars
10 Uses For Mason Jars Mason Jars are a huge hit these days and not just for canning. You can do so many things with a mason jar, like celebrate Thanksgiving with pumpkin pie in a jar. Spruce up an end table with a painted mason jar vase. You can even have some fun …

10 Easy Game Day Appetizers
Whether you are a football, basketball, hockey or baseball fan – you know how important a good game day party is! Yes, the game on TV is important but so is the food being served. You just can’t have a good party without good food! I rounded up some easy game day appetizers you might …
Recipe: Spaghetti & Alfredo Sauce Topped With Panfried Kale
Recipe: Spaghetti & Alfredo Sauce Topped With Panfried Kale Recipe: Spaghetti & Alfredo Sauce Topped With Panfried Kale Have you tried kale before? This was a first time deal for me and I am in LOVE with kale now! This recipe that my husband put together had me coming back for seconds! This is a …
DIY Outdoor Dining Table From Wood Pallets
DIY Outdoor Dining Table From Wood Pallets- Under $100 For the past two summers,I have wanted to replace my outdoor dining table. I wanted something grand and beautiful. I dream BIG! But unfortunately, I didn’t want to drop $500-$1000 for the table of my dreams. And so I decided on a DIY Outdoor Dining Table …
Places to Shop Online for Kids’ School Clothes
Back to School Fashion: Places to Shop Online for Kids’ School Clothes The day the kids go back to school is rapidly approaching (mines actually just started this past Monday)! Have you begun shopping yet? Or are you one of those who wait until the last minute because you loathe the crowded malls? Thanks to …
How to Stock Your Freezer With Freezer Meals
How to Stock Your Freezer With Freezer Meals A great way to get through the busy back to school days is to have a good stock of freezer meals on hand for those nights where it seems like there are never enough hours in a day. Freezer meals are also great for any time you …
10 Tasty Fall Recipes
10 Tasty Fall Recipes Fall is such a fun time to cook and try out new recipes. I’m always on the hunt for new recipes I can try out and I’ve put together 10 fall recipes I’m looking forward to trying. There should be something for just about everyone on this list! 1. Easy …
Twas The Night Before School Started Poem
It’s the Eve before School starts in my household! I am loving the quietness this night brings with all the kids finally tucked in the bed sound asleep. My boys attend a charter school that participates in a balanced calendar. They go back early and get out later in the summer. I love it because …
5 DIY Playhouses You Can Make
Looking for an easy idea to do with the kids this weekend? Here’s some quick and easy recycled DIY playhouses to make! 5 DIY Playhouses You Can Make Creating a playhouse with your little one is an excellent way to put their imagination to good use! Just gather up some supplies that you have …
Ways To Save At The Fair
Ways To Save At The Fair Advertisements for the local fair are popping up everywhere, and your kids are begging to go. While the fair is a lot of fun, and in some places a summertime tradition, it can really blow your budget out of the water faster than the Speeding Bullet ride. While you …
5 Ways to Save on Entertainment
With all the activities the kids want to do over the summer, it can end up putting a damper on your budget. Kids will most likely want to go to the movies, bowling, swimming, amusement parks and much more! Before you run out and pay full price for an activity, check below on ways to …