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Ways To Save & Frugal Tips

Learn how to save on travel, ways to save money, great money-saving DIY ideas and more! Here’s all the information you need to know on how to save money, the 52 week money challenge and great money saving tips!

7 Lessons Gardening Teaches Your Children Gardening is about more than just growing plants, it is the perfect time to grow little minds and imaginations as well. If you have a backyard garden, or if you are considering planting one, you should know that it will do more than stretch your grocery budget. A backyard …

10 Easy Ways To Save Money In Every Room In Your House   One of the best ways you can save in your budget is with the things you do around the house-be that saving energy or money! In this post, I will show you how to save in just about every room in your …

Ways To Save On Road Trips Taking a road trip is definitely fun, but it can sometimes cost a lot of money! I’m going to show you several ways to save money on your road trip so that your wallet doesn’t come back looking deflated. Saving money while traveling might be one persons’ way of …

How to Save Money on Fireworks, Plus Coupons & Deals! How to Save Money on Fireworks In just a few days, fireworks will be lighting up the sky in a wide assortment of colors and with tons of sparkle. Fireworks are no doubt lovely and a great way to celebrate the 4h of July holiday, …

How to Save Money on Fireworks How to Save Money on Fireworks In just a few days, fireworks will be lighting up the sky in a wide assortment of colors and with tons of sparkle. Fireworks are no doubt lovely and a great way to celebrate the 4h of July holiday, but do you ever …

Tips To A Naturally Clean Home There is nothing worse than a dirty home, but the chemicals found in cleaning products and around your home, may do more damage then good to you and your family. The best way to reduce the amount of chemicals in your home is to take on a natural cleaning …

How to Enjoy Budget Blooms: 5 Fabulous Frugal Gardening Tips Spring Summer… is here, well it’s finally NICE outside in Mid-Michigan and you might be itching to get out into your yard to make it beautiful! Putting down mulch, planting new greenery and flowers, adding edging, water features, and lawn décor can all perk up …

July 4th Party- Have A “Popping” Time With These 7 Tips! Do you host an annual July 4th BBQ, or enjoy friends and family at a pool party. Have you thought about how you are going to decorate, or have you waited until the last-minute to get a plan together? To me, table presentation is …

How to Save CASH on Your Daily Cup of Coffee Remember the old days when a cup of coffee cost you a quarter at the local diner? Well I don’ either, but I am told it is in fact true. Can you imagine only paying .25 cents for a warm and toasty cup of coffee? …

10 Summertime Desserts   Summertime is officially here – and there’s just nothing better than a nice, cool, summertime dessert to help with the rising temperatures. We’ve compiled a list of 10 Summertime Desserts that would be perfect to make for a summer gathering or to just enjoy yourself at home! From Ice Cream, tarts, …

10 Reasons Gardening is Good for Your Health Have you ever thought of gardening as a sport? Maybe not, but in all reality you can get quite a work out! Gardening is not only a great way to stretch your food budget and add some color to your yard, but it is ideal for your …